Growth for female founders

Webinar for female founders

The webinar Growth for female founders empowers you with knowledge about data. This will equip you to drive your company forward, set goals and tackle them in marketing.

We talk about this

  • Growth targets
  • Shaping growth and keeping data under control
  • Measuring growth and continuously improving

Growth for female founders

The webinar Growth for female founders takes place online. You and your colleagues are cordially invited.

Date: September 22, 2022
Time:3:00 p.m.
Duration:45 minutes
Presenters:Angelika Wohofsky and Sarah Seyr
Price:Free of charge

Register now for the webinar for female founders

About women’s power

Angelika Wohofsky

Growth for female founders Angelika Wohofsky
  • As a specialist trainer and lecturer in digital communication, I love showing other people how to navigate the digital world safely.
  • Born Angelika Wohofsky at the end of the 1960s, I grew up with analog technology and was pushed into the digital world around 20 years later. I gladly accepted the push because I realized that I could develop freely in this world.
  • My aim is to put the newly acquired knowledge into practice immediately in my training sessions instead of using lots of words.

Sarah Seyr

Marketing Automation Workshop with Dr Sarah Seyr
  • Sarah Seyr, Dr. sc. ETH, is a psychologist and expert in digital customer experience and human-machine interaction.
  • She shares her knowledge and experience in personalization and automation with great passion as a lecturer at universities and as a trainer at Linkedin Learning.
  • As Co-Founder and Chief Customer Officer of Aivie, she makes marketing automation more personal and customer interactions more valuable.