Aivie und Mautic haben einen eigenen Formular-Typ «Datei». Über diesen kann ein Dateiupload erstellt werden.
Continue reading “Können Kontakte Dokumente über ein Formular hochladen?”Form
In Aivie und Mautic gibt es unterschiedliche Feldtypen für eine einfache Antwort, oder mehrere Antworten. Checkbox Gruppe und Radio Gruppe.
Continue reading “Wie kann bei einer Auswahl-Frage definiert werden, ob eine oder mehrere Antworten gegeben werden dürfen?”Aivie offers the option of protecting your forms with reCAPTCHA from Google. You can activate the reCAPTCHA plugin with the following steps.
Continue reading “How can I protect forms from SPAM?”Each contact has a preferred language region (preferred local) e.g. en/de.
By default, Aivie does not save this, but you can use the forms to automatically fill in the user’s preferred language. j
Each form is language dependent, so you can assume that if someone fills out the German form, they speak German. So you can use a hidden field (preferred local) to automatically set the preferred language for each user.
If you use our package, this is already set up with you directly this best practice.
Wenn du das Formular in Aivie erstellt hast, kannst du dies auf deiner WordPress Webseite einbauen.
Continue reading “Wie füge ich ein Aivie Formular in meine WordPress Seite ein?”
Next to the Modify and Close buttons, you will find the drop-down menu to display the preview.
So the conditions within a Campaign are always evaluated only for the contacts that are also in the Campaign.
One possible reason is that a form field that is not visible is set to “Mandatory”. E.g. a free HTML field. But this can only happen if you create a form via the API.
Yes, this can be used in combination with the “Sends the content of the form” decision and checked in the Campaign.
Continue reading “How can I check for a specific value of a submitted form within a Campaign?”
Here we recommend restoring the cache. It may be that the old site URL is still in use. Certain browsers do not allow this then.
To link an email to a form or campaign, you should select the email kind template, not the email kind segment.
Continue reading “What type of email is used for a form or campaign?”Forms are basically styled via the themes and via the CSS on the website they are included in. Your Aivie is already set up so that there are multiple themes in your CI/CD.