How can I test the spam score and domain reputation of my e-mail?

There are various tools on the Internet that you can use to check your spam score as a precaution. Aivie does the necessary on its website and warns you if you are at risk.

Google Postmanster Tools

If you send a lot of emails (hundreds per day) you can use Google Postmaster Tools.


The Talos platform links your messages with the IP addresses sent and shows you potential problems that could affect deliverability.


MailTester examines the content of your email, your mail server and the IP address of the sender and provides a full report on what is configured correctly and what is not.

With the correct DNS setup, all technical requirements should be met. The new (February 2024) requirements of Google and Yahoo for the Spam Score should also be covered for the most part.

If you want to learn all about how to prevent your emails from ending up in spam, I recommend the following article: How do emails not end up in spam?

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